Facts About Alcohol

There is NO ‘Hard Alcohol’ or ‘Soft Alcohol’
It’s the quantity of alcohol per drink that counts.
Source: Research-based information from the National Institutes of Health.

Don't drink on an empty stomach
Once consumed, alcohol passes from the stomach into the small intestine, where it is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body.Absorption Process depends on the presence of food and the type of food in the stomach when alcohol is consumed.Thus consuming alcohol on an empty stomach is not good. Eat high protein food – meat, cheese etc. which will slow the absorption of alcohol in the blood.
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Drink water after a drink containing alcohol
For every alcoholic drink you have, your body can expel up to four times as much liquid.
Drink Water between your drinks to avoid DEHYDRATION.

Consume not more than one drink per hour
As a rule of thumb, liver can process ONLY one average drink i.e. one peg or 30ml of alcohol per hour.

Learn to say no when you don’t want a drink.
Body Weight and Body Type – In general, the less you weigh the more you will be affected by a given quantity of alcohol. Learn to say no when you don’t want a drink.


Avoid Binge Drinking
“The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams per cent or above. This typically happens when men consume five or more drinks, and when women Read More

Use alcohol carefully in connection with medication
Ask your physician or pharmacist about any precautions or prohibitions or drug reaction.

Drunken driving offence in India
The permissible limit of alcohol while driving in India –
Alcohol level exceeding 30 mg per 100 ml of blood first detected by Alcometer subsequently by Blood Test.
The offence can lead to imprisonment for a term, which may extend up to six months, or with Read More

Remember not to drink when pregnant or trying to become pregnant.
Remember not to drink when pregnant or trying to become pregnant.